Monday, January 2, 2017

I cheated last night.

Why?  It was New Years Eve.  It was the last day of what was a challenging, scary, yet overall wonderful year. 

2016 was my year.  It was the year I embraced being alone. 

To say I loved embracing being alone is a stupid.  As stupid as “give yourself a hug”.  I’m sorry but you can’t hug yourself.  That’s not a hug.  That’s not the unconditional feeling of safety wrapped in someone else. That’s not the overwhelming letting go cause someone else has got you.  That’s not the “I don’t ever want to leave here” feeling you get wrapped in love. 

No embracing being alone is not the same feeling of joy as being with someone who takes your breath away.

Embracing being alone is strength.  It comes right from the core, and surges through every inch of your being.  It is the confidence knowing that you can do anything.   You can handle any situation.  There is nowhere you can’t go.  There is nothing you can’t do.  You see, once you learn to live with silence, no one talking in your ear, you can start to hear the thoughts in your head. 

Now that is scary shit.

I don’t know about you, but my thoughts often times are made up of the voices of every doubt, every fear, every criticism, every negative that ever swirled in my vicinity.  Like leaves taken up by a cold winter wind, they join forces and create a vortex of disapproval.  Individually, they simply side eye, but once they are flying together, as one, their cackling and braying builds to a crescendo of failure. Anxiety grips my soul in a chokehold. So I use the voices of companions to distract my hater thoughts while I run from them.

To be alone, is to face them.

That’s what I’ve been doing.  Facing them.  Hearing them.  Feeling them.

And it’s been really, really hard.  And scary.  And lonely.  And liberating.  And fucking incredible.

It started with the Beyoncé Formation Tour.

Remember the Superbowl half time show?  Poor woman got more exposure than Janet Jackson’s boob a few years before.  She was called a hater and the Miami police called for a boycott of her concert saying she glorified the Black Panther’s with her anti-police message.  The president of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police is my FaceBook friend, and I heard it all.  On the other hand, SNL applauded “The Day Beyoncé Turned Black.”  Of course, as a political scientist, this intrigued me.  Here she was, finally finding her black voice, and she got all sorts of backlash for it?  I had to go to the concert.  Had to see if the police would show up.  Had to see the protest.  Had to be in the middle of it.  But no one would go with me.  Damn.  Another experience I would have to read about later. 

Or I could go. Alone. 

That was the scariest thing I ever did.  Who would I talk to?  Who would I dance with?  Who would I look in the eye while singing along? No one.  I had no friends.  No one wanted to be with me.  I was unloved.  Unlovable.  All of the fears of the last few years came flooding forward.  The divorce, the friends who chose him over me, the friends who didn’t know what to say so they hid, the bad dates, the flirting that ended in nothing more than dick pics …all of it began whirling into a hurricane of hurt. 

But this time, I didn’t run. 

I bought a ticket.  I went to the concert. 

“Up in the club, just broke up, I’m doing my own little thing!”

I was empowered.   There was no stopping me now.

I booked a 21 day tour to Spain/Portugal/Morocco and I went.  Alone.  I went to the full moon paddle board event.  Alone.  I went to the movies.  Alone.  I started cooking amazing food that I ate.  Alone. I learned to be.  Alone. 

And I discovered alone and lonely are not the same thing. I spent a year learning to live in the honesty of where my life was.   Accepting it.  Embracing it.

And then, on the last night of the year, I cheated on me. 

I ate a jar of cake. 

It wasn’t the eating the cake that was the juxtaposition from the year of authenticity I was ending.  No it was choosing the short term fix over the long term game.  It was in the attempt to deny that immediate distraction came with consequences.  You see, I’ve been journaling my food in an effort to live better, be healthier, control my migraines.   And I had already eaten my healthy level of carbs/fat/sugar for the day.  I have learned that exceeding a certain threshold results in an ice pick to my brain. But last night, it wasn’t about my brain.  It was all about my mind.  And my mind fixated on an unclaimed cake jar.  The one we loving made for a family friend who didn’t have time to see us over the holidays. It was a cake jar of love and it taunted me with how unloved I was. 
It called up the fears that had sparred with all year.  

Like a knocked out boxer who somehow struggles up from the mat, fists in the air, all my loneliness rose to taunt me from that jar. One last sucker punch.  It got me.  

I ate the cake.  

And now, on New Year's Day, my head hurts.

But it’s not a migraine. 

It’s a dull ache that is simply a reminder that as strong as I am, I am human.   It’s a throbbing that says the temporary ache of aloneness won't be stuffed down with food.  It’s the tension that reminds me that it is better to let go and feel the lonely rather than to hold on to the fear.  Choose feeling sad, lonely for a minute over hurt for hours the next day.  Besides, eating cake didn’t bring my friend over. It didn't love me. It didn’t even taste that good.

But it’s not a migraine.

Know why?  

I’m stronger than a year ago.  Loneliness only got off one little punch, it didn't take me to the ropes or bring me to my knees.  

I’m better than a year ago.   I only ate half the cake and then did something good for me....went for a long walk, alone.  And drank a ton of water to flush the sugar from my soul. 

So I have a take-two-tylenol headache.  I'm ok.  I'm more than ok.  Even though I do dumb stuff sometimes, like think that love comes in a cake jar,  and I lose the round, I'm winning the bout.  I'm strong.  I'm brave.  And I love that.  I love me. 

Sometimes I go off, I go hard
Get what’s mine, I’m a star
Cause I slay.
All day.
We gon’ slay, gon’ slay, we slay,
I slay.

Happy New Year.  Happy New Me. 



  1. Thank you for sharing your journey, Gail. We've all been "there", in one form or another. I remember the many times I told myself that I needed to be comfortable being alone, before I could really be in a healthy, balanced relationship. Easier said than done, but everything starts with an idea, right? Progress, not perfection works for me. I'm proud of you for all the ways you challenge yourself.

  2. Thank you so much you for sharing this Gail! I laughed and I cried a little too...what a starkley honest self-assessment. I remember being alone like this and it. Is. Hard! It's also empowering, and it is where I, like many others, finally found myself. Wishing you a blessed, strong and soul-feeding 2017��

  3. I am glad you are stronger and braver. Of course the funny thing is I have always considered you those two things. ALWAYS. Funny how our own self awareness and criticism can make us feel a certain way. And our outward appearance and actions can make others think of us in a certain way. Just proves that we can never truly know what another person thinks, feels or has gone thru in their lifetime or in a day. Kindness, compassion, and love will always be the answers. I have spent quite a bit of time alone, and I have enjoyed those times! But my self awareness scares the shit out of me too. People tell me I am great and they love me and I am one of the best people they know, etc etc.. but if they knew what I knew, they might not feel that way. It just makes me want to be a BETTER Person everyday. My driving force is my own self awareness of every little stupid thing, thought, word I have ever done, thought or spoken! It can be overwhelming at times (my thoughts), I too want to just crawl somewhere and gorge in sweets or pizza or whatever to hide. And sometimes I do do that. But most times I continue to strive to be better, just as I know you do! May your own self awareness continue to guide you Gail, and may you also realize people DO LOVE YOU! With Love and Laughter, Chip

  4. Congratulations on all the progress you made in 2016! You brought back memories of the first time I did things alone, going to a restaurant, a movie, a trip. All so very empowering. Happy 2017! Happy you!
